The information below addresses some of the most commonly asked questions about eye floaters, a common condition that affects most people as they age. It also details available eye floaters treatment options.
What Are Eye Floaters?
Eye floaters are small specks that can appear in a person’s field of vision and are usually harmless. They get their name from their floating appearance, but they can also appear as black or grey spots and lines or clouds in vision. These specks and spots often disappear when they’re directly focused on, drifting off once your eyes stop moving. They’re also most noticeable when something bright or plain is looked at, such as a blue sky, blank computer screen or a white wall.
What Causes Floaters In The Eye?
Many people have floaters in their eyes and they can occur at any age, though they usually increase with age. While there are some serious causes of floaters, such as retinal tears, eye injury, infection and inflammation, most eye floaters simply occur as part of the natural ageing process.
Are Eye Floaters In The Eye Dangerous?
No, eye floaters are not dangerous, but in some cases they can be indicative of a more serious problem. In most instances, they’re usually harmless and don’t require eye floaters treatment by a specialist.
Do Eye Floaters Go Away?
No, eye floaters do not go away by themselves, but they can settle below the line of sight where they have minimal impact on vision. They can also become less noticeable over time as the brain adapts to their presence.
Can Eye Floaters Be Treated?
For most people who suffer from eye floaters, treatment isn’t necessary. Please note that increased eye flashes and black spots in eyes can be a sign of retinal detachment, so it’s important that you visit your eye specialist if you’re experiencing these symptoms.
If floaters are causing significant visual problems or annoyance, there are a number of eye floaters treatment options available. These include YAG laser vitreolysis and vitrectomy surgery, offered by Dr Devinder Chauhan at his Melbourne clinics in Box Hill and Boronia.
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