Retina Specialist in Melbourne – Dr. Devinder Chauhan
Some vision problems need immediate attention. Retina specialist Dr. Devinder Chauhan has a wealth of experience with a range of visual conditions, particularly those affecting the retina and the macula.
As a reputable macular and retinal surgeon in Melbourne, Dr. Chauhan frequently performs complex surgeries and treatments for a number of conditions, including wet age-related macular degeneration , epiretinal membrane (also known as macular pucker), macular holes, retinal detachment, diabetic retinopathy, and more.
All too often, people with visual problems either think that it’s a normal part of ageing or that they will get better on their own. Unfortunately, delaying seeking help can result in long term problems. If you have any concerns about your vision and you reside in Melbourne or elsewhere in Victoria, make an appointment with retina and macular specialist Dr. Chauhan today.

Consultation process
Dr. Chauhan invites all patients to bring a friend or relative into their consultation, both to listen to what is said and to ask questions. You are likely to be in our Melbourne clinic for up to 2 hours, but it may be longer if you require any further tests or procedures urgently. You will not be able to drive for 4 hours after your appointment, so please make sure you have arranged an alternative way of getting home.
When you arrive at the clinic, the receptionist will ask for the names of your general practitioner, optometrist and anyone else you may be seeing in addition to your retina specialist, Dr. Chauhan is very keen on keeping all your health care professionals informed about your eyes, as there are many general health conditions that affect the eyes.
Photographs and scans of your eyes will be taken in order to help make a diagnosis and plan the management of your eye condition. If you have already had the same scans or photographs taken by your referrer, we shall not charge for these at your first visit.
You will then have your vision tested and be asked about your problem. The orthoptists are highly trained and have a wealth of experience and knowledge about retinal conditions; they will be able to make a working diagnosis in many patients and will begin to explain your condition so that your consultation with Dr. Chauhan is optimal. Additional tests may be carried out at this stage.
Dr. Chauhan will generally look at your scans and images before he consults with you so that he can spend more time examining you and explaining your condition and its management. As a retina and macular specialist, he encourages questions and strongly believes that a well-informed patient achieves the best outcomes.
If an urgent procedure is required, and you are happy to proceed, Dr. Chauhan prefers to perform this at the end of the consultation. This may mean up to a further unplanned hour in the clinic.
If a non-urgent procedure or operation is recommended, you will then see the bookings staff in order to book a time as well as to be informed about any costs that are involved.
Dr. Chauhan believes in seeing only patients that need specifically to see a retina specialist and will only follow up with you if absolutely necessary. He receives referrals from a large network of excellent optometrists and ophthalmologists, many of whom have similar equipment to his clinic, and endeavours to return you to their expert care once his work is done.
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